Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Living A Life Of Worship

I struggle with being an authentic worshiper of God at times because of my struggle with the side effects of my treatment and the disease that I am fighting. If I were to be honest with you, I have struggled with daily worship for most of my life because I can get preoccupied with other things. These things are not necessarily wrong but they keep me busy so that I do not worship effectively with my God. I have found that I need to focus on God now or I will get discouraged and have difficulty making it through the day.

Worshipping God in heaven is the theme in Revelation 4-5, where the church is in heaven and responding to God. I believe Rev. 3:10 indicates clearly that the church will be raptured and now they are pictured as the 24 elders giving God glory, honor, and thanks “You are worthy, our Lord and God to receive glory, honor and power” (4:11). What a celebration service there will be as we sing “a new song” (5:9), and gather together to celebrate our Savior’s life and death as we spend eternity with our God. I need to be lost in the wonder of my Savior and be captivated by His glory, power, and honor. Worship is commanded in Scripture and should be a normal part of my life as I respond to God. I need to live a lifestyle of adoration, praise and thanksgiving.

As I respond to all that God is with all that I have, I will realize that God is enough. As I focus on God, I can know that God alone is the answer and He alone can bring peace to my life as I journey through uncharted waters. I can depend on God at all times and He alone is the answer to my every need. GOD IS ENOUGH! What a great and inspiring thought. God is sufficient to meet all of our needs because Of His faithfulness, His love, His righteousness, and His grace. We can depend upon Him because He will never do something that does not conform to His character.

I have found that it is not easy to be a worshiper of God when you are not feeling well and are going through a difficult illness. On the other hand, one of the best things that I can do is to focus on God and lift up His attributes in praise and worship. I need to make sure that I do not run from God but run to Him for strength and grace. I need to remind myself that He is righteous and that nothing happens apart from it being part of His divine plan for my life. My God is a God of goodness and He designs everything for my good and for what is best for me. I need to look to see what God is doing and rejoice that my life is being changed for my good, for my growth, and for His glory. When my perspective is right, I can look at trials from His viewpoint and rejoice in what God is doing.

Are you living a life of worship? Are you rejoicing in your trials? Do you realize that God is enough?


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