Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thank-you for your prayers......some GOOD news :)

Dear Friends & Family,

I want to thank you from my heart and with deep appreciation for the prayer support from my church family. This has been a very difficult road that I have travelled during the past several months and it seems like the only news that I have received from the medical community has been discouraging and negative in regard to my health situation. I wanted to share with you some good news that I heard from the cardiologist today.

Yesterday I went to the W. Michigan Heart Center and the electrical cardiologist put a monitor on my defibrillator and it showed that my heart was beating normally most of the time and that I had not experienced any severe irregular heart beats during the past several weeks. My defibrillator was not close to going off again during this time even though mentally I thought there were times that it was going to shock me.. They took a blood test and reported to me today with enthusiasm that I no longer am experiencing congestive heart faiilure and feel confident that my heart is gaining strength and that the treatment is working. That was good news and means that for the first time in several months that things are improving. Because of the recent blood clots I have been completely sedentary for ten days. Now I can start doing some limited exercise to regain my strength.

I still have many of the same symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, heavy breathing, etc. but these are partially due to the treatment (prednisone and chemo) and all the other drugs that they have me on at this time. I wanted to share this good news and answer to prayer because it shows that my heart is gaining strength and that progress is being made. Thank you again for your prayer support and the many ways that you have shown your love and concern.

I am open to visitors but if you could call ahead and keep it short that would be helpful for the healing process. It has been difficult for me to not only deal with the disease but to be isolated from people who I love. As you know I am energized by people and love being with people but due to my health conditions it has been best to let my body heal.

Joyfully In Christ,

Friday, November 7, 2008

Welcome Israel Stephen Currie

to jared & melanie
November 5. 2008
11:30 p.m.
9 lbs 1 oz
21 1/2 inches long

Copy from a Recent E-Mail

Dear Family & Friends,

I am sending this information realizing that many of you may already know some of this news but wanted to update you on several things regarding our health issues. Patty had a mylogram on Monday and was told that her herniated discs were no longer pressing against her nerves. They cancelled surgery for Tuesday (Nov. 4) and she will be going back to the physical therapy as a solution to her back problems. At first she was upset because she had prepared herself for surgery and was hoping for a solution to the pain that she has suffered for six months. Now, we have peace about this and are thankful that God has answered prayer and brought physical healing although the pain is still acute. They think that she has bruised nerves that may take months of therapy and spinal injections.

Many of you know that on Sunday, Oct. 26, I was in the foyer of the church prior to the Sunday School hour when I experienced a cardiac arrest. My defibrillator went off four times and did what it was supposed to do in such circumstances. I was taken to Meijer Heart Center and spent five nights there as they were able to regulate my heart. The prednisone (80 mg) that I was taking had not stopped the sarcoidosis in my heart and it had spread and progressed during the last seven weekes of treatment. I am now on a combined chemo and prednisone trreatment which works with many cardiac sarcoidosis patients. It is kind of a trial and error in that no one treatment works for all. It may take 4-6 weeks to see if this treatment works but for the time I need to be patient and keep trusting God. Thank you for your prayer support and for the many encouraging words through e-mail and cards. God has certainly taken us both through a journey where we are experiencing His rich grace and strength. This has certainly not been something that we asked for but know that He is sovereign and makes no mistakes. Nothing takes God by surprise and we are trying to learn the lessons that He is teaching us. We just became grandparents for the eighth time last night (Oct. 5) with Jared & Mel the proud parents of their first child, Israel Stephen Currie. He was 9 lb. 1 oz. and is a healthy little boy. They will be moving back to Hastings at Christmas to start their deputation for missions with New Tribes Missions. They will complete their last semester of training in Missouri and live in our area during their prefield ministries. Thank you again for all of your love and support!

Joyfully In Christ,
Dan & Patty Currie

Monday, November 3, 2008

Change of Plans

Well, mom had her Mylogram CT Scan this morning and it showed nothing. The most frustrating part is that there is still a lot of pain, especially after the test this morning. She will be flat on her back for a couple of days and then starting physical therapy to try to rehab. We're not sure what to think of all this as there have been conflicting opinions from doctors and radiologists throughout the past 6 months. Please pray for some clarity on the situation and that mom would find some relief from the pain soon through rehab, meds or maybe chiropractic. Until then, she and dad will be on their backs together.

Home Sweet Home

A Note from the Kids -

Dad is back home from the hospital as of Friday the 31st. He was admitted on Sunday and spent 5 days. We spent the day together on Saturday to celebrate Mom and Cameron's birthdays. We had a nice day of relaxing, good food, watching football, enjoying some fresh air, and most of all...enjoying more time together. Jason flew in from Omaha for a few days to join us. We await Jared & Mel's call to announce baby Israel's birth! Hopefully it'll be soon! Although, Cameron did offer Mel $100 if she held out til the 7th, so Israel & Cameron could share a birthday :)

Mom's back surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning, the 4th. Hopefully she'll be up and running soon! This is a long time coming and she's hoping for relief in the near future. Danae & the kids will be spending a few days at their house to help out.

We thank you for your continued prayers for dad and mom. Some specific things you can pray for are:

-Dad's sarcoidosis would not spread any further.
-The prednizone would begin to aggressively heal dad.
-The side effects of the prednizone would not be so uncomfortable to live with.
-His heart rate would stay regular.
-His spirits to remain high as he struggles with not being able to do so many things he loves.....being with people, playing with his grand kids, being there for mom in her back struggles, pastoring a church, working out...eating whatever he wants :)

-Mom's surgeon and radiologist to agree on what they are seeing in the scans and MRI images.
-Mom's surgery to go better than expected Tuesday.
-Speedy relief from back pain and a quick recovery.

Our biggest praise.....in God's goodness, dad already had his diffibulator when his heart needed it most.

Trusting His Heart,

the kids